SCC Getty Images Interface unlocks the power of Getty Images, a preeminent global visual content creator and marketplace, adding an intuitive search, browse and delivery capability to the SCC Web client application for single stop simultaneous access to SCC stored digital assets and to Getty Images editorial and creative content.
Interaction with Getty Images is performed server-side within the SCC MediaServer Digital Asset Management DAM System and provides secure login and safe encrypted storage of Getty Images subscription credentials.
The SCC interface provides a sophisticated search screen complete with text entry, pull-down lists and calendar date controls for each of the Getty Images search fields, such as date created, text phrase, specific people, number of people, orientation, ethnicity and composition. The search screen also supports saved searches which are stored within the SCC MediaServer database and shareable with other SCC Web client users.
Search results are returned in the same dynamic grid and multicolumn displays used for SCC stored assets, with metadata values displayed as tooltips whenever a user positions their mouse over an asset. Clicking an asset preview in the results page launches a details page, including next and previous image button navigation, complete with mid-sized preview and image metadata text associated with the currently displayed asset. The image preview provides a pan and zoom capability enabling a more detailed high-res preview to be examined at a larger scale.
Assets can be easily selected by clicking the checkbox beneath each asset, or by clicking the image cell and tapping the space bar. Selected assets can also be launched into an image compare facility allowing closeup comparison, or launched into a slideshow facility for a full-screen automated display of each asset. The slideshow facility makes use of the largest available preview for higher resolution display and also offers pan and zoom capability for examination at larger scale. Selected assets can also be printed using either the built-in contact sheet, 2x2 or large format layouts in either grid or multicolumn modes.
Selected assets can be easily licensed for use at any of the available sizes, at which point they are automatically downloaded either to a local directory, or to one or more pre-configured server-side directories, for use within downstream CMS systems and production workflows.

SCC Getty Images Interface Features

  • Connects the SCC Web Client application to the Getty Images portal using a secure subscription credential.
  • Provides high performance search and display of Getty Images editorial and creative content with saved searches capability.
  • Incorporates sophisticated browsing of results, navigable details pages, compare, slideshow and print facilities.
  • Detail page previews, and compare and slideshow previews offer pan and zoom capability.
  • Simple to use licensing mechanism is configurable for either client-side downlad or server-side delivery of the licensed high-resolution asset.